High Risk Pregnancy Kendall:
What Makes Pregnancy High Risk?
One of the main things you need to know is what causes High Risk Pregnancy Kendall? There are certain pre-existing health issues that put a woman at a high risk category as well as the following factors:
- Age – Age is one of the biggest factors and if you are younger than 17 or older than 35 and are pregnant, yours is a complicated pregnancy.
- Lifestyle issues – Some of the major causes are lifestyle related - smoking, alcohol or drugs.
- Difficult past pregnancy – If you have had a C-section sometime before, or if you delivered a low birth-weight baby, your risk in the next pregnancy increases. If yours is a second pregnancy and you delivered a baby with a genetic problem during your first pregnancy, you are risk.
- Genetic causes – If your family has had a history of miscarriages, you are at a genetic risk.
- Chronic health problems – Diabetes, epilepsy or high BP leads to a complicated pregnancy. Mental health issues or infections and anemia could also cause a high risk pregnancy. Any infection such as chickenpox, rubella, toxoplasmosis or cytomegalovirus (CMV) causes complications in pregnancy.
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