While a level 2 ultrasound may be used for all mothers-to-be, it is extremely beneficial for a pregnancy deemed high risk. This full anatomy scan of your fetus is taken to ensure that your baby is growing normally.
It includes:
If a previous prenatal testing has indicated fetal anomalies, there is a family history of chromosomal abnormalities, or if you have had spotting during pregnancy, it may be recommended for you to have a level 2 ultrasound.
Usually conducted during 18 to 22 weeks of the pregnancy, it helps expectant parents determine the type of prenatal care that may be required. It also helps prepare for the future of the pregnancy.
South Florida Perinatal Medicine specializes in prenatal testing such as first trimester ultrasounds, 3D sonograms, 4D ultrasounds and level 2 ultrasounds. We maintain a strict professional code of conduct and offer a warm and caring environment for you to get the tests you need.
We understand that a pregnancy that is high risk needs special prenatal care and attention. That is why all our perinatologists in Miami and Fort Lauderdale provide personalized service.
Request an appointment for ultrasound during pregnancy at a convenient location in Miami or Fort Lauderdale.
Our level 2 ultrasound is a comprehensive, targeted study for a pregnancy that is high risk, for genetic and chromosomal abnormalities like Down syndrome. While this term has come to be loosely associated with standard sonographies typically conducted in the second trimester, it is usually performed at a perinatal center where greater expertise in level 2 ultrasounds is available.
The perinatologists at South Florida Perinatal Medicine are knowledgeable, experienced and trained in the prenatal care for pregnancies that are high risk. We have an unwavering commitment to providing the highest level of healthcare to women and children who need our expertise.
The detailed fetal anatomic survey we conduct via a level 2 ultrasound examines quite literally from head to toe. This can help reassure parents that all is well or point out issues that require further specialized prenatal testing or care. Whatever the case, being in the know helps make informed decisions about next steps.
To keep up with the high demands for prenatal testing including all types of ultrasounds, and genetic screening and testing, we have set up multiple locations in the Miami and Fort Lauderdale area. This way we can quickly and efficiently provide the specialized services that you need. When you come to South Florida Perinatal Medicine you can be assured we’ll treat you to the best prenatal care.
Call South Florida Perinatal Medicine to schedule ultrasounds during pregnancy in Miami or Fort Lauderdale.