What To Expect From A Perinatologist
Any pregnant woman can consult with a perinatologist before and during her pregnancy and after giving birth. Here are what to expect from a perinatologist when you consult with one during pregnancy:
- Screening for genetic abnormalities, birth defects, growth restrictions and more – They can use advanced testing to identify genetic problems and birth defects. This allows parents to prepare for the birth of a child with special needs. It also helps pediatric surgeons make plans for treating babies with birth defects after and before birth.
- Checking the health of multiples – These specialists can track the growth of multiples and use advanced imaging techniques to look for the causes of medical issues multiples can face, such as slow growth or circulation problems. They can even perform procedures to correct issues before birth.
- Treating your health – You may be treated by a perinatologist specialist if you’re injured during pregnancy.
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